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Effectively Using Consumer Data to Future Proof Your Business

In preparation for our upcoming webinar with Permutive: How Publishers Can Use Data to Close More Deals With Advertisers, Wednesday, August 31 at 1 PM ET, (Register Now!) I spoke with Thomas Baart, Customer Success Manager at Permutive. We discussed how publishers and advertisers can deliver more responsible advertising to…

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Content Is King Once Again, So, You Better Get It Right

Content is king once again. Just ask any buyer or seller where they've placed their bets for post-cookie targeting and contextual is top of mind. We chatted with Kevin Bobowski, Chief Marketing Officer, Siteimprove, about ways in which both marketers and publishers can optimize their content for accessibility, improved user experience,…

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What is VRM and Why Does Every Publisher Need It?

With the vast majority of publishers unable to monetize double-digit percentages of their audiences due to adblockers, we felt this was a problem that wasn’t going to go away, was only going to increase in magnitude, and was certainly one worth solving. Unlike early solutions that forced ads to serve by…

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Experience Comes First: Why Capitalizing on User Experience Is Key to a Sustainable Video & Revenue Growth Strategy

With steady increases in consumer streaming hours, creating engaging video content that excites and delights users and doesn’t interrupt their experience is paramount. Johanna Bergqvist, VP of Strategic Partnerships, Ex.co talked to us about leveraging user experience strategies into higher CPMs and inventory value to build credibility and trust with your…

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The Best of AdMonsters 2021

As 2021 comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the top trends that set the tone for digital media and ad tech throughout the year. From Chrome's on-again, off-again cookie cutoff to Apple's privacy updates to mass confusion surrounding developing solid first-party data and identity strategies to the…

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AdMonsters 2021 Powerful Playbook Pack

2021 brought a lot of change in digital media in advertising. But not everything was about the ill-fated third-party cookie. This year, our playbooks focused on data, identity, and privacy. But ad quality is still a troublesome thing, especially in mobile apps. And let's not forget the friction between different…

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