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Streaming Into the Future: CTV Predictions of 2024

Some see sports as linear's saving grace, but with live sports more prevalent than ever on CTV, only time will tell if linear has a lasting impact. ComScore's annual State of Streaming report shows that the number of CTV hours per household has increased by 21%. Numbers are only expected to go…

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Big Takeaways From Cynopsis’ 5th Annual Big TV Conference 2023

During the last week of September industry experts provided their perspectives on streaming and linear challenges like measurement, the state of linear tv compared to streaming, sustainability, cost effective programming, understanding Gen Z, first party data, and more. In case you missed it, dive into the short summaries of our favorite…

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Consumers Will Watch Your Video Ads; With Caveats

Consumers encounter a digital ecosystem oversaturated with content and choices. This places advertisers and publishers on a perpetual quest to create an ideal and strategic viewer experience. And with the surge of online video consumption, the environment has become especially dynamic.  As consumers spend more time online, their exposure to…

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Unlocking the Power of Audio Ads: New Research Reveals Their Impact on Attention and Brand Outcomes

This comprehensive study delves into the booming audio advertising industry, exploring its effectiveness across different formats and environments, including podcasts, radio, and music streaming. The findings are poised to reshape how advertisers perceive and leverage the power of audio ads, shedding light on their ability to capture attention and drive…

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