On Tuesday at the Cannes International Advertising Festival, Microsoft introduced their NUads product – an ad product for that works with Xbox Kinect. That means users can interact with advertising via voice command and movement.
AdMonsters asked Ginny Musante, Director of Marketing, Xbox LIVE Advertising, Microsoft, a few questions about this new ad platform.
Q: Is NUads just for the Xbox Dashboard, or would this apply to in-game advertising and how would that work? Are there other potential uses for the NUads format?
Ginny Musante: NUads transform passive TV advertising into engaging and actionable experiences using the voice- and gesture-control of Kinect for Xbox 360. NUads invite the consumer into a conversation with the simplicity of a spoken word or a wave of a hand. NUads offer what is most scarce to TV advertisers today – engagement — by moving consumers down the purchase path in their own living room.
Q: What is the potential of NUads for advertisers?
Ginny Musante: NUads gives new life to the 30 second spot. With NUads, we’re making interacting with TV as natural as watching TV. The potential is huge. For the first time advertisers can take a TV spot and convert awareness to an immediate call to action in a way that is easy and natural for the consumer. With Kinect, we put consumers at the center of their entertainment. With NUads, we’re allowing advertisers to keep them at the center. The 30-second spot will never be the same again.
Q: When will the platform be available?
Ginny Musante: The first NUads will be available in Spring of 2012.
Q: What reporting metrics are available for the NUads platform? How is engagement measured?
Ginny Musante: The same metrics we have with Xbox LIVE today. Impressions, CTR, UUs as well as age, gender and geo targeting.
Q: If I’m an agency that wants to run a NUads campaign what would be the process for that?
Ginny Musante: NUads are easy to implement – all you need is a 30-second spot, a URL and a call to action. Xbox LIVE will do the rest.
For more information on the NUads platform and to see a demo check out this detailed post from Microsoft Advertising Blog.
On Tuesday at the Cannes International Advertising Festival, Microsoft introduced their NUads product – an ad product for that works with Xbox Kinect. That means users can interact with advertising via voice command and movement. AdMonsters asked Ginny Musante, Director of Marketing, Xbox LIVE Advertising, Microsoft, a few questions about this new ad platform.