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privacy sandbox


In May, Criteo submitted SPARROW (Secure Private Advertising Remotely Run On Webserver) to the W3C in response to Google's privacy sandbox proposal.  In response to industry-wide feedback, SPARROW was recently updated to include reporting capabilities to further secure users’ privacy without compromising advertisers’ performance. We spoke with Charles-Henri Henault, VP…

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What Is Google’s Privacy Sandbox?

As the clock ticks on the two-year expiration of the third-party tracking cookie, the advertising industry wonders how advertising tracking and measurement will work. Google has proposed a plan called the Privacy Sandbox, a series of APIs intended to provide users with privacy while ensuring that programmatic will continue to…

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Unified IDs Up, Cookies Down: Q&A With Index Exchange

The industry doesn’t need a direct replacement for the third-party tracking cookie, and there are already a variety of solutions out there to take its place without mentioning Google’s budding privacy sandbox. To dive further into the many identification options circling around the industry, I caught up with one of…

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