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Yahoo ConnectID’s New Integration Boosts Publisher Profits Without Cookies

This seamless integration allows publishers who have adopted LiveRamp’s ATS to unlock additional demand from Yahoo DSP, substantially improving the monetization of their addressable supply. "Demand-side interoperability has been a key feature, and now, with our expanded partnership, publishers can achieve greater scale and better monetization through Yahoo ConnectID," explains…

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What Is Google’s New Chrome SameSite Cookie Policy?

Starting February 4, 2020, Under the Incrementally Better Cookies Policy, Chrome will treat cookies that have no declared SameSite value as SameSite=Lax, restricting the sharing of cookie data across sites. For external access, cookies will need to be set to SameSite=None; Secure and will have to be accessed from secure…

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What Are Deterministic and Probabilistic IDs?

Cookies are a foundational part of digital advertising, but their application is limited in a cross-device environment. Cookies are browser-specific, they aren’t supported in OTT, and they aren’t easily ported between mobile apps. Cookies, then, are just one type of identifier among several that go into targeting users across multiple…

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What Is a Cookie?

Call it a browser cookie, a web cookie, an HTTP cookie—it’s all the same thing, just a small text file, not even executable code. A cookie takes the form of a name-value pair (e.g. name=value). Originally designed to recall information like logins, form data and shopping cart contents, they’ve been…

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